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  • Know Your Stuff

    Whatever your business is, and whatever stage it’s in, you probably have at least a few properties and tools used exclusively online; social media accounts, a website, web apps. Do you know all of your account credentials? Do you know when your hosting re-ups and what it costs? Can you get into the back end…

  • We All Work Differently

    Recently, I was admonished in a one-on-one meeting for making notes in a work journal. I was completely taken aback. How could someone be irked by a colleague taking notes in their training session? I had barely put pen to paper when the person waved their hand at me and tersely said, “No, it’s simple.”…

  • Concept: Failure Flashbacks | #TBT

    The concept of leveraging failure is one I’ve read about for years. Most recently, I really enjoyed Courtney Johnson’s charming TED talk “Failure is Necessary.” He is so clearly afraid of failing even as he is doing his talk that it is impossible not to relate. Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Success, failure and the drive to keep…